about anonyra

Lens & word based artist. Capturing a journey of embracing mystery, healing & aligning purpose. Imagining the unseen in between. Indo roots.


I have a longtime passion for and practice Healing Arts. What some might call Complementary & Alternative Medicine. And with that I have a broader interest in spirituality. Growth never stops and it is (from) walking that journey that I am trying to capture. Body, Mind, Spirit. Various stages and the spaces in between. That can lead to (semi-)abstract images, much use of negative space and portraying the not so obvious subject. Weaving in occasional nostalgia. 

When it comes to healing I firmly believe in our self-healing ability. We just need a little motivation, a tiny trigger: The concept of Less is more. That is what I am aiming to reach in art. Longer term. Japanese aesthetics are a big inspiration. But sources are plenty. From East-Asian Medical Classics to the Daodejing. From Zen to the poetry of Rumi. More directly linked to photography? Think of the essence of The Mindful Photographer. Saul Leiter. Travel via Minor White to John Daido Loori. Japanese (or Japan inspired) photographers like Masao Yamamoto.

I create as there is divinity in that very act. Liberating. Aligning purpose, the freedom to do what we love. If I can ignite a fragment of healing or that freedom in others through my work, I will have reached my goal. Reaching my own potential is the journey.

art on chain

Releasing my own work started and until now still happens on the blockchain. In my case Solana. Web 3.0 makes the world bigger, bringing Artists & Collectors closer together. I would however not want to limit myself to any single space. It is not about replacing. It is about expanding and exploring. Hence BRIDG3.art.

I started here as collector. Still am and always will be. Artist, Collector. In the name of this site’s motto:

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” – Pablo Picasso

* More on how this website and BRIDG3 started on this page. The initial About.

follow my journey


Note: On this website I will only use and share art that I’ve created or collected. Should there be for any reason an exception, it will be clearly stated.