Recently Added 4/16
Time for another selection of pieces added to the collection in the past 2 weeks. This time it includes Abstracts, an animated piece, a gift and a giveaway. Click on the images to see the full pieces. And you can find links to every artist’s profile on the Resources page.
As I feel underexposed to Abstract Art I was happy to add two beautiful pieces in this category: Violent Symphony by Manu Williams and Shadow Dancers by Silvia Anan. Both acquired through auction on Exchange Art.
Violent Symphony by Manu Williams
Shadow Dancers by Silvia Anan
Animated pieces
If you have watched the art pages on this site closely, you’ve probably noticed that all the displayed art are static pieces. This is 1: Because I collect more static pieces than animated ones and 2: I still have to find a way to aesthetically display the animated pieces on this site. As I do hold a few great ones, especially in the Editions section.
Here is a new 1/1 piece I collected, by Yg4h. The second piece I acquired by this artist. You can see the 1st piece on this page. And this new one is called Riozin's: Havvo'k.
Free Art
As a collector I am here to acquire art, through auctions or buy nows. Not seeking to collect art for free haha. That doesn’t mean I don’t seriously appreciate art that is airdropped or gifted though. Often as a holder of pieces by an artist, but also through giveaways or in the form of pNFTs when bidding on auctions.
The first piece is a wonderful gift from Red Rabbit Cult. It is called Be Like Water. As mentioned before, there is often a much closer connection between Artist & Collector in this space than in the more traditional art world. I have collected several pieces by RRC. Love that he had me in mind when he made it and decided to gift it to me.
When we look at the (Chinese) Five Elements or Fases I am in fact a Water type. Next to that, I am quite the Bruce Lee adept. When RRC presented the piece I told him that I have a signed copy of Shannon Lee’s (Bruce’s daughter) book Be Water. So couldn’t be more fitting!
The 300th(!) episode of SolCityRadio’s Rise before Grind was full of giveaways. Mistadobalina decided to give away a few pieces too. And I was lucky enough to be given a piece by Rich Hermann. A photographer who’s art was still on my wish list. Rich has some of the most amazing Nature images and I am now the proud holder of Longs Peak -Elevation. So a big thank you to Mistadobalina! And of course to SolCity Radio and a massive congrats on 300 episodes.
Be Like Water by Red Rabbit Cult
Longs Peak - Elevation by Rich Hermann